Hot Kombucha with winter spices

Hot Kombucha with wintery spices like cinnamon, ginger, vanilla and star anise is the ideal drink for cold and dark winter days! Thanks to fresh ginger root, this delicious recipe warms from within and helps with dry throat and irritated mucous membranes.
The ingredients:
- 500 ml Kombucha (fermented from your own Kombucha Scoby)
- pieces of fresh ginger
- Winter spices of your choice: 1 cinnamon stick, 1 star anise, 1 vanilla pod (scraped out), orange and lemon slices (organic, with peel)
- optional: 1-2 twigs of mint, honey or whole cane sugar to sweeten
The preparation:
- Put the Kombucha that you have made according to our Kombucha recipe in a pot and add all the spices.
- Heat carefully, but do not boil (about 60-80 degrees). Leave to soak for at least 20 minutes.
- Strain and pour out.
- If you like it, you can add a twig of mint to the Kombucha hot drink or sweeten it as desired..
Tip: If the Kombucha tastes too sour, 1-2 pinches of sodium powder, which are stirred in just before serving, will help. This considerably reduces the acidity.

Lern more about Ingwer:
You can also learn more about the numerous ingredients of the healthy Asian energy source ginger on our Ginger Root Beer page: Ginger Root Beer: istory, ingredients and properties of ginger
Hot Kombucha with winter spices

- Description: Hot Kombucha with winter spices
- Category: Getränke, Heißgetränke, Tee, Erkältungstee, Cuisine: Asien
- Tags: Kombucha, Tee, winterlich, Heißgetränk, Ingwertee, Gewürze, Kombucha-Rezept, Vegan, Vegetarisch
- Prep Time: 5 Minuten , Kochzeit: 20 Minuten
- Yield: 2 Portionen, Nutrition facts (calories): 55 (ca.) pro Portion,
- Author: Wellness-Drinks, Published: 1.7.2019
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