Rooibos Kombucha and Honeybush Kombucha (Kombucha recipe with Rooibos or Honeybush tea)

Rooibos-Kombucha und Honeybush-Kombucha: Für alle, die Kombucha ohne Koffein genießen wollen

If you prefer to enjoy your Kombucha without caffeine, but don't want to do without the strong taste and typical dark color of classic Kombucha, you should definitely prepare your Kombucha with Rooibos tea or Honeybush tea! Rooibos and Honeybush are shrubs that thrive in the dry mountains of South Africa. As a tea made from the young twigs, they are readily available everywhere and, when fermented, produce a strong, spicy Kombucha drink. In addition, the Kombucha scoby of Wellness-Drinks feels very comfortable with them and grows very well if you let your mixture ferment with it.

Thanks to Rooibos and Honeybush (also known in Germany as Rotbusch and Honigbusch, respectively), the result is not just a Kombucha drink that you can drink in the evening without hesitation because it is not as stimulating as Kombucha made from black and green tea, Mate Kombucha or Coffee Kombucha. Rooibos and Honeybush can do much more: They are considered particularly rich in minerals and contain numerous valuable ingredients such as minerals, antioxidants and flavonoids.


Rooibos als Basis für Kombucha wirkt krampflösend und entspannend.
Rooibos-Tee aus den jungen Zweigen des Rooibos-Strauchs

Rooibos has an antispasmodic and relaxing effect, especially when the stomach and intestines are upset. It is rich in phenols and flavonoids. Flavonoids are secondary plant compounds to which antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects are attributed. Rooibos also contains iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc and dozens of essential oils.


Honeybush als Grundlage für Kombucha: süß und mit Honigaromen
Honeybush-Tee: weniger färbend, süßer und milder im Geschmack

Honeybush has a very similar spectrum of ingredients. It also contains vitamin C and the trace elements manganese, iron, phosphorus, boron and copper. In South Africa, it is particularly appreciated for its beneficial effect on colds and inflammations of the upper respiratory tract.



Rooibos-Kombucha: 7-10g Rooibos pro Liter Kombucha-Tee
This is how the Kombucha culture works with the two teas:
Rooibos Kombucha / Honeybush Kombucha (basic recipe)
  • 1 Kombucha fungus (Scoby) with at least 100ml Kombucha drink as preparation liquid
  • 1 liter brewed, well cooled Rooibos or Honeybush infusion
  • 90-100g sugar


  1. For one liter of tea, depending on the desired strength, you need about 7-10g of dried Rooibos or Honeybush (finely cut or ground), which you infuse with water not boiling any more and leave to steep for about 12 minutes.
  2. Dissolve the sugar in the still hot tea and then let it cool down to room temperature.
  3. Then prepare the tea with a Kombucha Scoby and the preparation liquid as described on our page with the Kombucha basic recipe.
  4. Nach 8-14 Tagen ist das Getränk fertig fermentiert.

Rooibos and Honeybush are quite similar in taste, although Rooibos tastes a little stronger and produces a dark, reddish-brown cup. Honeybush usually remains a little bit brighter and smells - as the name already suggests - of sweet honey notes. Its taste is somewhat milder and clearly sweeter than that of its close relative.

Der Kombucha-Pilz verträgt sich gut mit Rooibos und Honeybush

In both infusions the Kombucha grows and thrives very well. A little caution is only advisable if additional flavors have been added to the teas (pay attention to the list of ingredients!). If you want to be on the safe side, it is therefore best to use pure Rooibos or Honeybush teas.

Since the new Kombucha fungus develops somewhat slower with Rooibos and Honeybush than in normal tea (black or green tea), it is recommended to prepare Kombucha with normal tea from time to time or to "branch off" an excess Kombucha fungus for Rooibos Kombucha and Honeybush Kombucha.




Rooibos Kombucha and Honeybush Kombucha


  • Description: Rooibos Kombucha and Honeybush Kombucha (Kombucha recipe with Rooibos or Honeybush tea)
  • Category: Getränke, Cuisine: Asien
  • Tags: Kombucha, Rooibos, Honeybush, Kombucha selbst machen, Kombucha-Ansatz, DIY, Fermentation, Vegetarisch, Vegan
  • Prep Time: 25 Minuten , Fermentationszeit: 10 Tage
  • Yield: 5 Portionen, Nutrition facts (calories): 220 (ca.),
  • Author: , Published:

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